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Pastor A.J. Beech

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Author / Writer / Speaker

     ALTON J. BEECH is the Senior Pastor of Greater Anointing Harvest Church in Boston, Massachusetts.  He has been featured on the TBN television network and other major networks across America - and also has his own television ministry which ministers to multitudes of others.  Pastor Beech is married and has four children.  He has written the following two books:

* Push Beyond Your Pain
(How To Survive Your Wilderness Experience)

* Man, Listen To Your Woman (latest)

     Pastor Beech's first book, "Push Beyond Your Pain - How To Survive Your Wilderness Experience," was endorsed by Dr. James Robison and Bishop George Bloomer.  This book talks about Pastor Beech's life story and explains how to deal with the pain of this life.  His latest book, entitled "Man, Listen To Your Woman,"  is an excellent resource for singles or couples who desire to improve communication in their relationship.  "Man, Listen To Your Woman"  will teach you how to listen to each other so the blessings of God can be released in your life.


     To order either or both books by mail, send a check or money order for $ 10.99 for "Push Beyond Your Pain" or $ 7.99 for "Man, Listen To Your Woman," plus $ 3 shipping charge (per order) to:  Pastor A.J. Beech, P.O. Box 256072, Dorchester, MA 02125.  To order using a credit card, click  HERE.  For all other inquiries, call (617) 287-2144 or send e-mail to altonbeech@hotmail.com.

Thank you and - BE BLESSED!

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